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Thread: ClickIce PPC
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Old 05-26-2011, 01:57 PM   #13
IceTeam should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: May 2010
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Dear Webmasters!
Ice-Team never stops looking for new solutions. Today we are happy to offer you a new tool for additional monetization of your resources.
Meet "Dashboard" at clickice.com !
This tool offers your visitors unobtrusive additional targeted adds, never interfering with your resource’s or doorway’s major content.
It enables you to get the majority of your income from your pharma/sex/or other shop, whilst also making a few additional crispy notes
The visitor doesn’t leave your resource upon clicking on the add, because the advertiser’s website opens in a new window.
You can specify the keywords for your resource yourself or allow "Dashboard" to figure out the search queries itself based on referrals.
It’s extremely easy to connect this kind of advertisement to your website: you simply need to add 3 lines of code to your page.
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