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Old 07-17-2011, 03:38 AM   #1
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Default newb business questions

Hi Everyone. I would like to chat with serious adult webmasters about the best way to build an adult affiliate marketing business. I've been in the web dev/design/hosting/marketing game for a while now (non adult) and need some advice moving forward as an adult affiliate marketer.

From what i have observed, affiliate marketers build a bunch of sites, each with a different niche and each site trades traffic once you get the search volume up + affiliate sales. Is this the best way to do it?

I'm kinda guessing that the path to financial success is a numbers game; to build as many sites as possible and aim to make say $100 per month per site. Am I correct here or not?

Also, one last question. Where a website that has everything combined - like freeones Can this model be successful as a one man band or do u need a staff of like 600 people to operate successfully.

cheers everyone
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