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Old 07-25-2011, 03:45 AM   #20
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Fleshlight to host "Fleshligh t Guitar Hero Battle" at The European Summit

Seville, Spain. Fleshlight®, producer and distributor of the # 1 selling male sex toy in the world, and their affiliate program FNCash® will be hosting the first-time ever "Fleshlight® Guitar Hero Battle" at the up-coming European Summit, which will be held from September 20th to 23rd, 2011 in Prague, Czech Republic. "The European Summit is known worldwide as one of the most professionally organized business conferences for our industry. We at Fleshlight® are very happy to add an additional layer to this conference by providing some great fun and entertainment. Therefore we have decided to host the first ever "Fleshlight Guitar Hero Battle" at The European Summit the night of September 22nd, 2011." says Jenny Gonzalez, Director of Affiliate Marketing of Fleshlight. Andreas Bischoff, CEO of The European Summit adds: "I have seen Guitar Hero battles in the past at other conferences in the U.S., and they were always highly entertaining. That is why we decided to bring "the battle" to this side of the big pond." He continues: "We will make sure to come up with some exciting prizes for the winners". To enter the Guitar Hero Battle and to request a song, please email andreas@theeuropeansummit.com . For more information about Fleshlight and FNCash please visit http://www.fleshlight.com and http://www.fncash.com . For more information about The European Summit refer to http://www.theeuropeansummit.com
www.theeuropeansummit.com , 22-25 September 2015, Parkhotel Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
www.onlinedatingsummit.com , 08-12 November 2015, Melia Nassau Beach, Bahamas
www.theislandgathering.com , 08-12 November 2015, Melia Nassau Beach, Bahamas
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