Maybe we could use the cold weather to do an ice-fishing activity.
That's REAL fishin' for REAL Canadians ! Not this wimpy lukewarm weather stuff...
Dailight activity only, typically from 11AM to 3PM.
The cabin was put on the lake two days ago. T'was DARN cold !
It is located in the Montreal West Island, in Baie D'Urfé, in the bay in front of Fritz's Farm, along the Lakeshore drive.
There is a wood stove that keeps the cabin at a comfortable 30+ Celcius.
And the ice is a great place to try out James Bond stunts with your car.
We'd have to watch Easton though. He'd screw the holes in the ice...
Mmmm... after all, maybe the wigglin'worm would be a great lure to catch a prize pike.
There's even a little privacy corner installed for the ladies...
Recommended gear: -40 "Sorel" felt-lined boots and -40 jacket. Or lots of wool socks in your boots.
BYOB, BYO hot-dogs and bread, chips, wine. We supply the BBQ, mustard, relish, ketchup. We often also supply a huge pot of thick soup simmering on the wood stove, but donations to pay for the little things are always appreciated.
Tell my what you think; if you're interested, I'll see if I can arrange it.
Fish-hook that, Dugmor !