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Old 09-14-2011, 05:13 AM   #29
TBS_Andreas should edit this
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Reporo to host Main Party at European Summit

London. Monday September 12th 2011
Reporo, the world's largest and most lucrative mobile adult ad
networks, will sponsor the main party of The European
Summit, which will take place on September 21st at 23:45 in the VIP area of
Duplex (www.duplex.cz), one of Prague's most exclusive top clubs. "We
have been very happy with our sponsorship at the last European Summit,
so it was a logical consequence for us to continue" Kieran O'Keeffe,
CEO of Reporo says.

The European Summit always delivers hot parties, cool crowds and
unforgettable surprises. This year Reporo will be hosting the Main
Party during the European Summit offering a "Reporo Shots Bar" with
anything from vodka to tequilla shots being served. Reporo's Body
painted babes will be parading. A VIP table will also be available to
special Reporo guests.

The people who would like to meet Reporo in a more quite environment
can set up a meeting with them at the Reporo networking lounge, which
will be located on the main show floor of The European Summit, or at
the Mix and Meet event in the morning of September 21st. "We are
extremely happy to see that Reporo is putting their trust in us again"
says Andreas Bischoff, the CEO of The European Summit. If you require
further information do not hesitate to contact Andrew Turner +44
7909928804 or Email him at andrew.turner@reporo.com
www.theeuropeansummit.com , 22-25 September 2015, Parkhotel Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
www.onlinedatingsummit.com , 08-12 November 2015, Melia Nassau Beach, Bahamas
www.theislandgathering.com , 08-12 November 2015, Melia Nassau Beach, Bahamas
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