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Old 10-20-2011, 12:48 PM   #3
pf69.com should edit this
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1st - ?
2nd - ?
3rd - ?
4th -?
5th - Village People
6th - Super Mario Bros
7th - ?
8th - ?
9th - ?
10th - Joker - Batman - Twoface (I don't know if this is really his name in English)
11th - The Simpsons
12th - ?
13th - TMNT
14th - Che Guevara
15th - ?
16th - ?
17th - Betty Boop
18th - ?
19th - Fantastic 4
20th - Terminator (California's Governor)
21st - Dracula
22nd - Frankenstein (not really, but the monster created by him)
23rd - Mummy
24th - ?
25th - ?
26th - Teen Titans
27th - ?
28th - Sponge Bob Square Pants
29th - Tin Tin
30th - Spok
31st - Spider Man
32nd - ?
33rd - ?
34th - Link (Zelda)
35th - ?
36th - Star Wars (bounty hunters)
37th - Tron
38th - ?
39th - ?
40th - Star Wars
41st - ?
42nd - Asterix & Obelix
43rd - Lord of the Rings
44th - Pirates of the Caribeans
45th - A Team
46th - ?
47th - ?
48th - Scream
49th - ?
50th - ?
51st - Bugs Bunny (and other chars)
52nd - Hello Kitty
53rd - Jason (Friday 13th)
54th - Watchmen
55th - Toy Story
56th - Zorro
57th - ?
58th - ZZ Top ?
59th - O Demolidor - John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone) & Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes)
60th - Shrek
61st - Blues Brothers (?)
62nd - The Flash
63rd - PacMan
64th - ?
65th - ?
66th - ?
67th - Ghost Rider
68th - ?
69th - ?
70th - ?
71st - ?
72nd - ?
73rd - ?
74th - South Park
75th - ?
76th - ?
77th - Laurel and Hardy
78th - ?
79th - ?
80th - Calvin & Harold
81st - Nicky Fury
82nd - Merilyn Monroe
83rd - Magic of Oz
84th - MegaMan
85th - Hanibal
86th - ?
87th - ?
88th - ?
89th - ?
90th - ?
91st - Sooby Doo
92nd - ?
93rd - ?
94th - Adams family
95th - ?
96th - Hellboy
97th - ?
98th - Avatar
99th - Jack Halloween
100th - Kiss
101st - Pikachu and Ash (from Pokemon)
102nd - ?
103rd - Judge Dredd
104th - Pucca
105th - ?
106th - Wonder Woman
107th - ?
108th - Harry Potter
109th - ?
110th - ?
111st - ?
112nd - ?
113rd - ?
114th - Cheech & Chong
115th - ?
116th - Waldo
117th - Monsters Inc.
118th - ?
119th - X-Men
120th - ?
121st - Gremlins
122nd - ?
123rd - Mickey Mouse
124th - Futurama
125th - ?
126th - ?
127th - ?
128th - ?
129th - ?
130th - V for Vendetta
131st - Robocop
132nd - The Avengers (Thor, Cpt. America, Iron Man, Hulk)
133rd - The Mask
134th - Tweetie and Sylvester
135th - ?
136th - Space Ghost ?
137th - Naruto
138th - The Incredibles
139th - Pulp Fiction ?
140th - ?
141st - (I dont know their names, but knwo who they are) ?
142nd - Ang (the last air bender)
143rd - The Phantom
144th - ?
145th - The Ice Age
146th - Mandrake
147th - Teletubbies
148th - Brave Heart
149th - ?
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