Originally posted by Vid Vicious
you'lll never catch me Icefishing .. I don't know the idea of Hovering over a hole holding a rope isn't very exciting to me ... And the fashions suck .. you can't be pimpin in one of those snow suits!?!?!?!
You've never been ice fishin', didn't you ?
The line holds itself. No silly sitting on a bucket holding a line. Some do, but then, they are there *really* for fishin. Nobody does that. They really have time to waste. I prefer the Loblaw's fish counter for that...
Ice fishin has very little to do with fishin, and everything to do with partying and schmoozing and shooting the shit in an unusual environment.
Everybody goes there for the partying, drinking beer, eating hot dogs and hamburgers and hot soup outdoors, and telling outtragous stories. When a fish bites, the fishing rods mounted on a pivot starts to tip and jiggle.
Then, the first who sees it yells "Bite, bite" Then, people gets frantic and you end up catching a humongous 4 inches perch not fit enough for a famished 6lbs cat.

It's all the thrill of the catch, but with doing something else during each bites.
It's pretty close to the fine sport of Bingo, but with no scorecard to watch, no ugly fat whales to smell and all the time in the world to party.
And then again, I've never been to play bingo, so it's only an approximate assessment...
Most people who show up there never bother to ever touch a fishing rod, of course.
But I agree, you can't be pimpin easily with those suits on...
Tits have been known to get flashed during such events, but it was usually pretty brief.
As a generous gesture, I will eagerly lend my -50 parka to any lady who wants to attend with nothing else underneath, providing she promises to flash it open frequently.
Ice fishing rocks !