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Old 02-06-2012, 02:02 PM   #2
Itchy is hardcore
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So, what does your smartphone say about your life love?

iPhone Users: The Office Romantic

iPhone addicts are the most likely to date someone in their workplace. Nearly a quarter of iPhone singles have had an office romance in the last five years.
After a first date, iPhone users wait just one day to reach out, while Android or BlackBerry users will wait until after 2-3 dates.

BlackBerry Users: The Drunk Dialer

If you’re dating a BlackBerry fan, prepare to imbibe. BlackBerry users are most likely to drink alcohol on a first date – 72 percent will have a boozy beverage on a first night out.
A whopping 67 percent of BlackBerry users say they have experienced love at first sight.

Android Users: The Seducer

Android users are most likely to be seduced on a first date. 62 percent of Android singles say they’ve done the deed after date number one, compared to 57 per cent of iPhone users and 48 percent of BlackBerry users.
Out of all smart phone users, Android fans are most likely to have a one-night stand (55 percent).
72 percent of Android fans have visited an online dating site, compared to 58 percent of iPhone users and 50 percent of Blackberry users.

Funny shit


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