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Old 04-18-2012, 10:31 AM   #1
celine should edit this
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Default Updated tours and Hot Card of the Month from TotemCash (pix)

Hi X-Nations

Celine here from TotemCash with 2 things I'd like to bring to your attention.

1. Tour updates!
We have recently revamped our tours.
This move gives the surfer direct access to our massive member areas.

The old set up was pretty static.
The surfer needed to download the software and register first in order to get access.
Well no more!
The surfer can freely browse around up until he want's make a purchase.
We see it's doing wonders for your conversions.

2. DeskBabes top card of the month!

TotemCash updates like clockwork and our collections are growing very rapidly.
Because of this, it might make it a little time consuming finding the perfect cards to promote.

Please, let us do the work for you
We will from here on forward update you guys monthly with our top sellers.
It'll make it easier for you to grab the right tools and convert your traffic to the max.
And I think this board can always use some more hot pics in general :thumbsup

Without further ado, here's Gia & Promesita!
Czech DYNAMITE scoring a stunning 9.71/10 from our members.

Here's the tools:


Free content:

Dynamic background
(search for c0311 in the source to only keep them)

Linking options:

To the home page with their card below the flash presentation:

Directly to the show page:

If you have any questions or requests please feel free to hit us up.
We're always around and more than happy to help.
Totemcash Affiliate Manager
ICQ: 120923353
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