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Old 10-14-2012, 05:00 PM   #1
EroAdvertising PR
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Default EroAdvertising Launching a New Filter Targeting New Consumers

EroAdvertising announced launching a brand new feature - a filter to enable all the advertisers to target the consumer traffic by its operating systems.

The new filter is yet another addition to the existing advanced targeting tools such as geo targeting, browser language filtering, site language filtering and more, available in the EroAdvertising backend.

The advanced filter is yet another step towards accurate and comprehensive consumer targeting. Yet another feature to help EroAdvertising customers to target the audience they look for and another contribution towards the company's competitive edge.

For more information visit us at www.ero-advertising.com or contact us through sales@ero-advertising.com
Visit EroAdvertising to buy or sell traffic. Take advantage of the accurate, reliable tracking, state of art traffic targeting features and dedicated account managers to get more return from your traffic with EroAdvertising!
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