Tube Ace Tube Script v2.2 was just released.
RedTube API Scraper added.
- Thousands of full-length videos available to embed to your site.
- Import videos by Keyword.
- Import videos by Tag.
- Automatically Mass Import 1000s of videos in minutes, or select videos one by one.
- Earn money through the RedTube affiliate program.
Demo Video: Watch 100s of RedTube Embedded Videos added to new website in seconds!
4 Templates Included Free!

Mobile Version Included Free!
View Admin Demo
user: admin
pass: demo
User Uploads
You can optionally allow users to upload their own videos. You can also upload and convert your videos to .flv (Adobe Flash Video) or any format using FFmpeg from the admin panel. Once a video has been uploaded, the user or admin can select a screen shot frame from the uploaded video.
Mass Video Import Tool
Tube Ace has an Import Tool which takes csv (comma separated values), pipe, tab delimited files supplied by adult sponsors and imports them into your adult video database.
Auto Video Import via XML Feeds
Tube Ace has an Import Tool which takes csv (comma separated values), pipe, tab delimited files supplied by adult sponsors and imports them into your adult video database. Documentation
Script Features
- Tag Cloud Shows Most Popular Search Queries and Tag Clicks.
- Easy Installation - Done in under 5 minutes!
- xProfiles and DatingGold API added to user registration form.
- Users can view videos sorted by random, most viewed, most discussed, latest videos and highest rated.
Admin Features
- Video Scheduling - Release x amount of new video per day.
- Site Definitions - Easily update videos with specific ads.
- Mass Email Registered Users
- Stats Reporting
Unencoded Source Code! Unlimited Domain License $200 (LIMITED TIME!)
Recommend Hosting: CertifiedHosting - ffmpeg already installed!
As always, free support & upgrades!
Accepting PayPal, Paxum, & Payza!