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Old 03-31-2014, 03:09 AM   #1
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Default Welcome to the 'traffic buy' Affiliate Program by Tube Alliance

Dear Webmasters!

We are pleased to invite you in our traffic buy affiliate program by Tube Alliance.
Working with top traffic sellers we always glad to new Partners in our friendly team!
Please note what we buy only gallery/search traffic and do not accept blind traffic.

Our tube sites:
Also few months ago we have launched new tubesite with gorgeous content: www.crocotube.com

Our advantages:
* A large variety of clips by different niches. Our network includes 270,000+ promo movies.
* Exclusive promo clips which increase the significance for potencial members and search systems.
* Update everyday: 300+ fresh clips daily on our network
* Our tubesites have separate database with unique content for each.
* We pay for all countries and count traffic for all our sites together.
* The minimum payout from 10$ without hold.

Offering the base price we give you possibility to maximise your profit with our bonus system.
You can get a maximum bonus from first day of work!

Transparent bonus system:

Earn 10$ per day and get + 10%
Earn 50$ per day and get + 15%
Earn 100$ per day and get + 25%
For sample: If you earning 100$ per pay = your profit 125$.

We pay to Paxum, Paypal or Webmoney and Wire transfer once per month without hold.

Signup here: http://webmasters.tubealliance.com/signup
More details: http://tubealliance.com/buying-traffic/

Sincerely, Tube Alliance
Contact us: public.relations(AT)tubealliance.com
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