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Old 01-18-2003, 09:10 PM   #20
twinkley should edit this
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Our first show "boothing" it, we spent a TON of money on a booth and schwag and everything. I put my SOUL into making sure everything went right...

The show goes great, everything is fine, we close up the last day....

I come back the next morning to tear down and find everything is already done! All the boxes are sitting there packed...

Wanting it make sure everything was together I open the booth crates to find a MESS. The guys who took our booth down just shoved it into the bins totally messing up the framework and graphics. To top it off they even left us with 1/2 of someone elses booth!

Needless to say I was crushed. I totally lost it in the middle of my booth (thank god only the union workers were really left by that time)

I am much more calm about these things now hehehehehe just goooo with the flow...


Oh yeah, and once....i shared a room with this girl who forgot EVERYTHING in our room hahahahaha
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