The season’s most unstoppable offense broke on the season’s most immovable defense. Thus brings to a close this year’s NFL story, except for one thing on the mind of the football world... who won the pool of all pools?
(this is so exciting)
“And the winner is..”
First, the winner of the SUPERBOWL PRIZE --- To qualify for this prize you needed to enter picks for every week of the entire season. You may have missed a game here or there, but as long as you made picks each week for every week including playoff weeks you're eligible for this. The person whose name appears at the top of the list for the Superbowl pick wins, and the prize of of $100 goes to the first player closest to the top who made all of their weekly picks.
And that player is:
YOU WIN the $100 Superbowl Pickem' prize.
Nice touch on getting the total game score exactly dead on at 34, btw.
The WORST PICKER prize was, like last year, a very tight race. This is the player who made ALL of their picks for the entire season including early games and playoff games and still managed to score the lowest score of anyone else who did the same. It’s not easy to win this highly coveted prize, especially when you’re actually trying to have the BEST score. But one player in particular rose to the top by consistently sinking to the bottom.
That person is:
YOU WIN the $200 Worst Picker prize. Congrats!
Now on to the grand prizes. Like the Superbowl this came right down to the wire as well.
And ultimately these three individuals listed below
won the PussyCash pool's top prize honors in the longest running football pool in the adult industry...
First off, congratulations to our 3rd place overall finisher and winner of the
3rd place prize of $250 CASH:
Our SECOND PLACE overall finisher and winner of the
2nd place prize of $500 CASH:
And the GRAND PRIZE in the PussyCash 11th Annual NFL Pickem Pool is ---
You win the $1000 CASH
To collect your prize: send a confirmation email to 'pool admin' (log into the pool and click 'send email') including your PussyCash ID, your pool nickname (if different), and the prize you won.
The overall top 10 finishers: (the best of the best)
1. BaDoinkBrett 200 192 198 160 84 83 124 122 122 136 141 152 132 126 145 152 81 40 36 32 20 2478 140-117-10 54.31%
2. TheStoner 208 126 212 114 57 77 154 78 118 170 110 162 192 150 171 106 154 40 57 16 0 2472 137-120-10 53.19%
3. FancyFoosballFriends 180 124 148 150 110 90 140 119 96 98 133 90 154 146 157 118 139 64 59 48 0 2363 133-124-10 51.69%
4. zoltic 160 120 148 106 138 78 160 134 106 102 116 170 162 114 151 172 72 72 34 0 20 2335 138-119-10 53.56%
5. mpcool 148 168 120 172 128 100 152 99 58 108 114 108 160 200 112 124 139 8 66 48 0 2332 147-109-10 57.15%
6. evil808 156 168 94 130 151 126 158 79 86 86 112 176 156 150 169 122 124 56 12 16 0 2327 133-123-10 51.88%
7. Double755 198 190 194 108 98 100 150 105 124 62 133 160 46 138 127 122 126 32 34 48 20 2315 134-123-10 52.06%
8. sburkeatqmi 126 158 182 98 112 99 140 166 76 148 110 164 130 112 169 158 76 40 49 0 0 2313 137-120-10 53.19%
9. Dave-NYC 198 98 158 90 97 119 130 112 136 136 84 166 96 112 197 180 107 56 2 32 0 2306 141-114-10 55.1%
10. ZuzanaDesigns 166 138 194 110 102 96 124 98 86 102 85 132 200 148 154 120 147 24 26 32 0 2284 133-122-10 52.08%
The list of all the weekly $100-$200 cash winners during the regular season:
Wk 01: Lace
Wk 02: tracy7676
Wk 03: Syvaren
Wk 04: JuicyDLinks
Wk 05: irdogg
Wk 06: Brainiac650
Wk 07: zoltic
Wk 08: Funky_Farm
Wk 09: Mateusz
Wk 10: peedy
Wk 11: romeo22
Wk 12: LAJ
Wk 13: tuffruff16
Wk 14: romeo22
Wk 15: Boogie3
Wk 16: go4green
Wk 17: whiskeydick
Congratulations to all our winners!
And to everyone else: thanks for playing,
Special thanks to the Xnations board and it's admins for allowing the pool updates to be posted.
Also special thanks to PUSSYCASH for again showing that they are indeed
the most generous program on the web.
Lastly, if you're not yet signed up as an affiliate...

there's no time like the present!!
Get in the game and be eligible for all of the other great PussyCash promotions and
moneymaking opportunities that only PussyCash affiliates enjoy.
This brings to a close the Eleventh Annual PussyCash NFL Pickem Pool
Congrats to the winners
I hope you all had fun and I hope to see you all next year.