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Old 01-16-2017, 11:23 AM   #22
cdsmith is washing his emu
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Exclamation .::Divisional Playoffs Week Update & Top 10

No one in the pool nailed all four of this week's games correctly. No one. Which is a testament to just how tough these picks were this year. I'd also love to add here that they were the most amazing set of Div. Playoff games ever, but I just can't. The Pats played possibly their worst game all year yet not only still won but still covered. Unreal. Atlanta played somewhat better but their win over Seattle was again into double digits.

Then came Sunday's games.... the Packers v Cowboys was THE GAME of the weekend in my book. Unbelievable back and forth, the comeback from an 18 point deficit by a rookie QB, the final last second FG to win it by the Pack, it was all there in this one. KC and the sunshine Steelers were good too, very close, questionable call near the end, but just didn't have the level of hype and pomp and circumstance that the game in Dallas had.

Two home teams won, two away teams won. No one ran the table.

All of which resulted in the pool having a new leader this week. The top 5 are now spread out across less than 50 points, and don't get too comfortable now because this week there may only be two games but it's 8x the points. Just like the NFL, one wrong move and you could be lunch.

Overall Top 10 Pool Leaders this week:
1. mpcool 2362
2. kane 2360
3. FancyFoosballFriends 2340
4. romeo22 2330
5. Falcao 2317
6. sicone 2240
7. AnyGivenKimmy 2224
8. Boogie3 2208
9. Meatpounder 2206
10. Dave-NYC 2201

Stats: We have a total of 166 industry peeps registered in the pool.
Pool has been running for TWELVE years (longest running pool in the industry)

KEEP ON PLAYING! There's still more points to be scored in the playoffs including the Super Bowl game.
Final prizewinners and winners of those extra prizes will be announced the day after the Superbowl.
Good luck to all.

Lastly, if you're not yet signed up as an affiliate...

there's no time like the present!!

Get in the game and get set to have many weeks of fun in the football pool
and also be eligible for all of the other great PussyCash promotions and
moneymaking opportunities that only PussyCash affiliates enjoy.
It's time you clicked...

... one SWEET program.

ICQ me: 31024634 .... let's talk about getting you some PussyCash!
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