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Old 01-17-2022, 12:21 PM   #1
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Default Anti Vaxxers and still-Trump Supporters are wierd.

I have been good friends with a woman for a really long time now and just recently I found out that she's an anti-vaxxers. And an anti-masker of course.

She lives alone, runs a small business, generally happy person, active social life. Nice, normal, kind person. She refuses to get vaccinated, and won't go anywhere where she is forced to wear a mask. "It's all fake" she says. The Hospitals are empty, no one has really got sick" she says and of course the biggest one is, "It's a conpsiracy to control us".

What is amazing about talking to her is that all of the above isn't just what she thinks, it's what she truly believes. When presenting any kind of facts at all, she dismisses them as fake. Regardless of the argument, she has a counter argument. When I asked her what her Doctor told her though, she changes the subject.

She is not a Trump supporter.

A have a friend of mine who is a Trump supporter. He thinks he's a great guy, but that "the media", controlled by Democrats, are out to get him, and that everything is fake, and that the election was stolen, etc. And like my anti-vaxxer friend, he doesn't just think Trump is a swell guy, he believes it.

When I asked him what he thought about the Jan 6 riots, he insists that it was a minor event, that no damage was really done, and that the cops who died were probably already sick, etc.

He is not an anti-vaxxer.

Both of them are completely different people, yet both believe in crazy ideas which are easy to disprove, but they refuse to accept them. In fact, they seem to double-down meaning, if I challenge their beliefs, they talk with some anger in a way that makes me think that they are trying hard to re assure themselves that their long-held beliefs have been right all along.

Do you know anyone like these people?

I wish I was a shrink... I would love to understand this kind of thing more.
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