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Old 01-17-2022, 01:08 PM   #2
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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Well - over time and the internet - I think people are realizing that the standard media presentation of news is slanted and at times can't be trusted. You just can't report the news anymore there has to be a commentary or "side" the presenter takes.

So - people then turn into detectives and search or read other sources that at the time seem legitimate and at times play into their thinking, "the real media is lying to you so here's the truth". Then we have testimonials from Facebook to TikTok where people without evidence make wild claims that they were effected or saw something different.

Now - anyone seeing this would think, "hey they don't have anything to gain from this"...but in fact they do. They put fuel into a myth or start a lie and enjoy seeing it going around then laugh with their friends at how gullible others are.

So we distrust media - we trust those making claims and we trust those articles written like "they are hiding this from you". We all want to be in the know. We want answers yet the problem is we are trusting wrong sources.

This is Orwells 1984 all over again in real life. The internet creates reality and changes the truth to suit their goals - that is confusion and at times anarchy.

Now we have alternative universes that honestly will become more popular than the real one. Here you can do whatever and create whatever you can imagine without regret. This is scary since abandoning the real world to live in a fantasy is the Matrix or MetaVerse. So yes - you can have two different people - with two different views and opinions because they need their present universe to make sense - and right now - life doesn't make sense. So grasping at anything - even a fake universe brings a peace to ones mind that they have a handle on things.

Skype: robjameswarren

"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato
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