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Old 01-19-2022, 09:19 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Rochard View Post
Here in the US COVID has become a political issue. There are Republicans, and then there are the hardcore Trump supporters. The Trump supporters are just plain fucking crazy.

I have friend who came out as an antivaxxer. She is a Republican and also a Trump supporter. She went to a Trump rally, indoors, no masks... The entire family got sick. Her, husband, four or five kids.

I don't get this. COVID is a fact; It's killed hundreds of thousands here in the United States. Masks are effecctive; This is a fact. The vaccine works and causes no harm.

This shit gets so old.

They must be confused as hell now that Trump has come out saying not only has he had the booster but encourages everyone to get the jab. The other day he actually said that the majority of those in the hospitals were in fact unvaccinated people which turned many against him and made all those supporting him in the media saying that he's getting old and forgetful. He's actually loosing his base because of this

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