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Old 01-21-2003, 04:25 PM   #30
JFK should edit this
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Originally posted by Kenny B
The customs officer that went through my stuff kept me there for over an hour, going through all the literature I had and separating what he deemed legal! Finally a supervisor came by and asked me where I had been and for what purpose, I told him I was in vegas for Internext and the AVN show, his reply “oh all the porn shows, you’re free to go!” after an hour of being searched and asked questions!!!
Bunch of Fucking Jerks, when I came back from Europe they had "canine officers" running up and down the isles, sniffing all the people , and the controllers yelling at the people in line to keep the line straight! It really pissed me off, but you dont want to say anything, for fear of being delayed for hours and getting your name on their computer.
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