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Old 01-22-2003, 09:14 AM   #3
Jenny should edit this
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yes, nice.

Why did the blond man miss his flight?
He was just getting to the airport, so he went to Arrivals.

Why did the blond man miss his second flight?
He was sure Gate C-3 was after gate B-2 which should have been after A-1.

Why did the blond man get arrested by Airport Security?
The sign said 'Declare All Valuables' so he showed the officer the Family Jewels.

Why were there no great blond male gunfighters in the old west?
They went broke having to buy a new gun after every six shots

How do you kill a blond man?
Tell him to read the bumper sticker on the front of a truck.

How do you confuse a blond man?
Tell him to alphabetically sort Social Security Numbers.

Why couldn't the blond man go on a coffee break?
They didn't have Double Mocha Latte Decaf with Almond Essence in the vending machine.

Why did the blond man get thrown out of the truck stop?
He ordered a Double Mocha Latte Decaf with Almond Essence.

Why did the blond man drown?
The sign said 'NO SWIMMING'.

Why did the coat room girl sue the blond man?
Well, his car's dashboard said, 'CHECK ENGINE' when he was driving to the restaurant, so he tried to.

Why did the blond man argue with the maitre de?
The waiter said, 'Are you dining alone tonight sir?' and dozens of other people were already there.
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