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Old 01-22-2003, 11:53 AM   #8
silverway should edit this
Power of God
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Quebec, Canada
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There absolutly NO funny joke with the law. I know what I'm talkin' about.

LAst summer I went to the Maine with one of my friend. We had no problem to go through US custom. But when we came back to Canada at the end of the day, we were asked by the Canadian custom where were we comming from and if we were bringing something back from USA. I said that we went to Greenville(it's a small city near moosehead Lake).Then my friend said we have only bring back one thing from there and it's a box of Pringles(chips)with a face like this. They didn't find it funny. So so they aked us to go to the inspection area and to get out of the car. They search all my car to find drugs of anything illegal!!! It took almost 30 min. But they didn't find anything wrong.

Next time I will not do any jokes.

I have to tell you that we were only 19 years old man in a Mustang and we were comming back from nowhere!
Is the Young Guardian
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