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Old 02-01-2003, 03:22 PM   #16
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Obviously free porn is good for the industry. How else do you get someone into the mood to spend money without giving him a taste of what he wants? Everyone knows that the large majority of site memberships are spur of the moment purchases. The surfer gets horny looking at the free porn and decides he absolutely has to see more of it. I have some reservations about how hardcore the free shit should be though. When I build galleries I don't like to include spread shots and insertions, but when I do I get that gallery accepted in many times more sites and get more banner clicks. The one rule I have is never to show the pop shot. I think if you hold back at least that much then the average surfer doesn't have enough to get his jollies from 12 to 20 pics. Porn is no different than many other products on and off the net. People don't buy a car without kicking the tires and taking a testdrive. Anytime you go into a supermarket they're giving away free samples of food. Toothpaste and shampoo and laundry soap samples are delivered buy the mailman all the time. If you buy a new mattress it's an absolute must to lay down on it in the store. 9 out of 10 products you buy in Walmart are easily sampled in one way or another even if it's only visual sampling. Porn is a consumer driven marketplace and the consumers want free porn. And a lot of the first time consumers really have no idea what's inside a site unless they see some kind of samples. People don't like to buy a pig in a poke and it occasionally seems that the ones who yell the loadest about free porn hurting the industry are the ones who are selling a pig with a wooden leg.
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