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Old 02-01-2003, 03:31 PM   #23
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Originally posted by Darin
Agreed, in theory it sounds like it would convert better. In reality this may not be true.

Has anyone really proved this to be true? No. If they did, everyone would be doing it.
Personally I don't think it makes any difference to have pics on html. So there's a banner on the page with the pic... so what? I've never actually tried tracking it but I suspect that most surfers hit the back button to the gallery page to make sure there are no other pics to check out before they consider clicking that sponsor banner anyways. Having more banners in your face makes the average surfer irritated more than anything else would be my guess. He doesn't want to have to scroll his browser window to get to that pic below a banner and most of the time it's the same banner that's on the gallery page anyways. And if it isn't then it probably should be. I've never believed much in the scattershot theory of marketing so I tend to think having a gallery made up of actual content from a site converts best. And usually I'll put a banner on the bottom of the gallery that is related to but not actually competing with the main sponsor.
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