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Old 02-01-2003, 05:05 PM   #36
StuartD should edit this
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Free porn is good.... but this is a very general term... because it leads me to the question... how much free porn?

I mean, if there's 5 million gallery makers out there, submitting to 1 million tgp sites, and there all of the pics and vids to all the members areas are available on kazaa....

well, it's not so good. Why would anyone ever want to pay for porn ever again??

Is free porn good... sure, in moderation. Give a dose of it, to make someone hard, and if they really wanna splurt on their belly button, they gotta pay up.

But, if you give out enough porn that they need to invest in a spooge mop to clean the area around their desk day after day for years to cum (pun intented)... then it is WAY more harmful to the industry than helpful.

I loved the concept of tgp's... when I though it was just the hun, persian kitty.. and a select others. Now everyone and their dog owns at least one tgp site. Get any 10 gallery makers in the industry, and I bet 8 of them have their own tgp site as well.

Free porn is too general... too simplistic. Free drugs is good too, but if you overdose... you're dead.
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