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Old 02-01-2003, 05:06 PM   #37
Darin should edit this
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Originally posted by twinkley
The *only* problem i have with "Free" porn is the fact that
there is NO age verification on it. If you can age verify, and still
give it free, more power to ya. But if kids can access your site
and see miss thing of the month takin it every way she can... thats
just not cool.

It's the parents job to monitor underage internet surfing, period.

Free porn can be found on the shelf of your nearest Albertsons, Smiths, or other grocery store. Sex is advertised everywhere, and the crap music on the radio today pretty much tells the story of having sex.

Parents watch their kids at the store, they turn the station when the radio has a crap song not appropriate for their kids, they can monitor their kids on the internet too.
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