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Old 02-01-2003, 05:15 PM   #39
twinkley should edit this
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Ahhhh but thats not how the internet works and you know it....

Yes, it is the parents responsibility to monitor their childs
activities. And yes, sex is sold everywhere.


A kid can not go into a store and buy a playboy or penthouse.
They cant even see the cover cause its blocked by black film -
even if the girl on the cover is dressed. Why? Common courtesy
to parents to MAKE that desicion - not have it thrust in their face.

Been surfing on the net lately? Mainstream, not adult. Even browsing
through mainstream sites you get bombed with gambling, casino and porn pop-ups. Its inevitable. You surf long enough and *BAM* - there's
a picture of a girl sucking on a cock or shoving god-knows-what where
the sun dont shine.

Everyone is responsible for keeping children from possibly harmful materials. If you saw a child at a store who had wandered off from a less-than-attentive parent and was headed for some injury - would you say "oh, its not my problem if that kid hurts himself" cause his parent wasnt paying attention that minute, or are you going to help the kid avoid whatever and help him find his parent?

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