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Old 02-01-2003, 05:36 PM   #43
Darin should edit this
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Originally posted by twinkley
Funny.... We have managed to do it....

Besides darin, can you really watch a child every moment of every day of his/her life until they turn 18? Of course not. It would be insane to try. As a parent to teach your child right from wrong and protect them the best you can. Parents rely on other adults to do the same when they cant - bus drivers, teachers, day care, principals, friends etc.

Ya know the old saying "it takes a village...."

In my opinion, a good parent takes care of their kids and brings them up, nobody else can do that.. no village, no tv, no radio, no magazine, and no internet.

I have other issues about american parents (yes, I said american) because they don't have family values like other nationalitites. They like to just dump their kids off somewhere and goto work. Then they wonder why their kids turn to drugs, cling on to losers, and ultimately ruin their life.. their parents were not there for them during the most important part of their lives. Nuff said on that.

However, I think its BULLSHIT for ANY site to say they have managed to sell porn without damaging images to children.

.. take a moment and imagine you have a 10 year old daughter, would you let her look at the front page tours of those websites?

Think about it.
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