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Old 02-01-2003, 05:56 PM   #45
Darin should edit this
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Originally posted by Apollo
My point is you can't have your cake and eat it too...you can't own a TGP and expect to make money off surfers unless you intend on fucking around with the webmasters. And you can't expect to make money off the webmasters unless you fuck around with the surfers. Take my autosubmitter for example...my entire model is setup to not make money off the surfers (although there is some minor surfer advertising). My focus is providing great service to webmasters giving them the opportunity to make money off the surfers. There have been other autosubmitters that have tried to do both....and they haven't been successful.

It's the whole don't shit where you eat philosophy....
In every business, someone is getting fucked. Thats business. It's about fucking someone.

Whoever it may be, you are fucking someone. I agree with you tho, everyone has a different view of whos being fucked. But whos to blame for that?

In business when you feel you are getting fucked, you dont do business with that person/company.

In this business, people feel they get fucked, but they keep on doing it! Go figure! Then they complain, bitch and whine about how they dont make money...

They need to get their ass together and use their brain to make a real business model and not just jump on the bandwagon and bitch about free porn making it hard for them to make money.

They need to bitch and whine in the mirror and do something creative, productive, and SMART instead of being lemmings.

>>> Free porn is good for the industry, prove me wrong!!
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