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Old 02-02-2003, 12:12 AM   #56
Darin should edit this
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Originally posted by StuartD
The problem is.. that I am outside the box... and there's a lot of porn outside of the box.

Let's say that someone goes to a tgp, and finds a gallery, and it has 3 recips on it. They click on one of those and find hundreds more galleries, each with more recips on them. They can surf all day long and collect 500 images of what they want, without ever paying 1 cent to a website.

If I can get over 400 pics of mardi gras, and parties, and drunk girls... why in the world would I ever sign up to CollegeFuckFest? Especially if I can get most of the vids of kazaa?

over 3 million sites on google, not all are porn. And no one uses it for porn anyway. All you need is one tgp site, and you may find your way to 50 more tgp sites... hundreds... each with hundreds of galleries.

I can fill up my harddrive in a day... I'd have to wait another year or two worth of updates on most porn sites.

Giving out free porn is great to get people to your door, and maybe even through.. but I ask you this... if I can get a free buffet of steak and lobster in the hallway.... I'd be full before I ever got in the door of the restaurant.
In theory, a surfer could surf the entire internet by following every single link on every single page they find. But do they?


It takes time to do what you just explained, and when the surfer is horny and wants a fix, wasting time clicking clicking clicking clicking trying to find what tickles their fancy is NOT what they want to do.

People are willing to pay to get the good stuff NOW and not have to deal with being shifted around from site to site trying to find what they are looking for.

Remember, people are LOOKING for something that they like. They don't just casually follow links for hours and hours looking at 'FREE PORN'. The free is the gimmick to catch that surfer and give them what they want.. NOW, not two hours later.

People have lives, they have work, they have to sleep, they have time alone when their wife is upstairs or out shopping, they dont have time to mess around with thousands of recip links going from one tgp to another.

They want their FIX and its every adult webmasters job to present that to the surfer using some type of free content to get them hot and ready to buy NOW.

The google example was an example.. to show you that there is plenty of information but nobody is going to go through 3 billion (Yes, not million but BILLION) pages indexed. They use the tools presented to them to find what they want FAST.

If you could setup an account and pay 5 cents for what you were looking for instantly using Google, would you not do that? .. or would you rather surf 3 billion results for hours clicking back and forth looking for what you want or NEED at the MOMENT?

Free porn is good for this industry! Prove me wrong!
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