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Old 02-03-2003, 11:09 PM   #2
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Default Re: Protecting against email spam w/YOUR domain?

Originally posted by Short Irish Guy
Someone has been caught sending out CP spam emails using adultrevenueserviceS.com in the email header.

The REAL ARS has been notified and they are taking steps to get this asshole.

So my question is - is there anything we can do for the domains we own to protect someone possibly trying to sell CP on similar domain spellings?

Like, say I own freesexpics.com and some prick tried to spam thousands of people worldwide with freesexpicss.com...

Not quite sure what protection you have against them, I have a few domains that I had put automatic responses for as spammers forged their headers to look like it was coming from one of my domains. Granted it was not CP or anything, but still it can be a hassle. I would think in the case of a lookalike domain, the abuse team at your noc would be able to spot the problem, and not shut you down.
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