We personally do not use rev share programs...
we only work with pay per signup business models... we send you traffic to convert.. and get paid... honeslty we do not want to invest our traffic into a company that we have to worry about the member staying 2-3 months to get paid what other programs will pay us $35-40 straight up... then it is their job to keep the member past the trial... or for more months...
I'm not knocking rev share programs... I just think my job should stop after getting the surfer in the door... its then the site owners job to keep them... I have no control over the rev share persons program... content.. hosting... billing etc... so I would not invest my money on thier personal choices alone...
We pay up to $50 on trial signups and a flat $30 on free trials... so you don't have to wait for that mmeber to convert 2-4 months to get the same amount of money..... again... webmasters like to be paid... so we pay them weekly ... and pay them well for their traffic.. it is then our job to retain them... hell the webmasters work hard enough just to send traffic... I dont' want them to have to wait months to get thier $$$