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Old 02-05-2003, 01:31 AM   #22
Raya should edit this
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Horg those are so funny!

When I was very young and silly (18 and 19) my girlfriends and I would all go out on Thursdays and Fridays we would hit (well they would I am very shy) on any cute guy they could and some they shouldn't have.

Once we took turns going up to a guy and saying one of the other girls in our group thought he was cute sometimes it worked hand we would bring him back sometimes the girl would be lost he would pick her up that often caused a problem if another girl in the party liked him. (Sigh sometimes there were cat fights in the bathroom.)

One time I was being really clever and brave and went up to this really cute guy. I started talking to him and flirting. Everything was fine until I told him he sort of reminded me of someone I had known long ago...We talking some more and then I discovered that he had been my fifth grade teacher. It was very disturbing. It really wigged him out by the time we figured it out he was rubbing my back and asking me to dance. I didn't get a date and he looked a little green when I left. Naturally my girlfriends thought it was hysterical.
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