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Old 02-06-2003, 06:45 PM   #22
Hashishan should edit this
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freehosting, preferably some sort of subdomain hosting or a folder off the root, like spankithere.bigoleboobies.com or www.burnisgay.com/titpics/

free content, even if it just the bargain basement 25 cent per image crap we all have a ton of. some amount of sponsor-exclusive material would be nice

good promo materials. different shaped banners featuring decent models (not the 25 cent per image crap that we all have a ton of). if i already own licenses to the chicks they use on the promo materials, it is time to find a new sponsor. that design money isnt a loss, it is an investment. pay that extra 50 bucks for those 10 odd shaped banners

support. do not be greedy people, running some sort of big operation with 2 or 3 people doing everything. nothing will ever get done on time and people will stop promoting your shit and you will have to be all broke and homeless like Mayor

stats. i want to know which page sent each hit, period. that means i can change up ads to take better advantage of my traffic once i find out what niche my surfers tend to look for on each site. tags are good too

server reliability. dont try to run a whole program of freehosting off somebody's excess bandwidth, or when you get fucked on the deal every one of your webmasters gets fucked the same way

give your people the tools that they need and let them sell. does your program suck so much ass you cant take care of your people? who wants to promote anything like that?

i have been trying some sponsors recently and one looks very promising
dont look here
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