I bet you were a bartender in a biker bar or a tittie bar weren't ya DK!
Before this..... i did all kinds of things, went to school several times for several different things, early childhood education, esthetics, recording arts management, bartending school, then the jobs......... day cares, salons, volunteering at venues for bands (cause even if they paid you it was fuck all), volunteering at some band's management offices (the ones who got paid got paid nothing there too! LOL), retail management, doing estetics at a salon, then asst manager, waitressed, bartender, promo manager, waitress again, bartender again, party promoter, volunteered at an AIDS organization helping out with fundraising and office duties, asst to marketing co-ordinator and THEN came the porn! WHEW! You're lucky i started my post when I was 19, from 14 to 19 i had twice as many jobs! rofl
I have to say it's all helped me in my serving webmasters in porn THAT's for sure! Working in bars taught me how to hold my booze (or drink as much as i can and still be able to stand) and day cares for my webmasters who need special care and babysitting.

All the volunteer work has helped me give endless referrals with no expectations of anything back, just to help out a newbie, or a biggie or a friend as a favor.
Though I've been burned many times, I still help out whoever however I can.

I know i sound like an angel I'm far from it! lol But i try.