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Old 02-08-2003, 06:18 PM   #6
pornodoggy should edit this
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I know of a couple of sponsors out there that don't want to mess with small operaters, and since it is their business, they certainly have the right to do it. I can even understand why. There are any number of non-adult/non-net businesses where minimums are imposed on affiliates.

My concern with this particular chat log is the guy seems to have a "fuck you - take my word for it. there's no need for a test and if you want to run one we won't support you." Like I said, I would have terminated the conversation at that point and went on about my bidnez. I would have been annoyed, for sure - but probably not ten days later, and certainly not enough to post the chat log. I'd just have put them on the "Do Business With Just After Hell Freezes Over" list.

A couple of months back a friend suggested that I contact someone regarding my participation in a program with minimums. I ICQ'd the guy, explained that I didn't think I could make the minimums but that I would give it my best shot. I didn't hear a thing back from him.

Now, the person may have never gotten my ICQ, or, since I wasn't in his contact list, may have just deleted it without reading it. If that happened, no big deal. If I were on the other end of the situation, I personally would have responded somehow, even if it was just a polite "sorry, no". That's what business people do (because the little guy who can't meet your minimums today may not always be a little guy), IMHO. Not everybody does business that way - for all I know, that may be considered "Old School" by some folks. I didn't get pissed, I didn't rant, I just moved on to the next possibility.
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