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Old 02-09-2003, 12:08 AM   #10
Pidgin should edit this
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Hehe. Me too. Very interested what they would say. But I guess thats why I am asking you people...
Not about the guideline of large customers only - I have no problems with that. I am talking about the attitude!!!

Some quotes from what he said
for less, you'll create the account and you'll do everything by yourself and you'll never hear about meis that ok for you ?

My point is that if you make 2 signups a day,i will not be here to help you out If you make 25 signups, that's different

If you are not happy with the way we work, you are more than welcome to chek out the competition.
What we are offering with this system is unique and this is an opportunity for you, not for me
no hard feelings, just wanted to clarify
and he finishes by saying
i am not trying to be sarcastic here, i am just trying to find how to close this deal professionnally

His company will or atleast should say the same as all of you do. They may say they indeed require a minimum ammount of traffic or sales from affiliates - but saying "if you have less that ... you will not hear from us!" or "this is an opportunity for you, not for me" ????

Business aside - we are still humans!
GOD DAMN - Do you think its acceptable??

Last edited by Pidgin; 02-09-2003 at 12:24 AM.
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