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Old 02-10-2003, 12:11 AM   #16
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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It seems like this guy had a pretty piss poor attitude from the start. when someone icqs me for the first time I don't say "Who are you?". I say "What can I do for you?". Their company policy is their company policy but it could certainly have been stated in a less confrontational manner. He never asked anything except for what kind of volume you'd be sending. Not what kind of operation you run or what kind of traffic, just how much. And as soon as you said that it wasn't going to be a huge volume he went out of his way to say that he wasn't going to help you with anything. And the very worst thing is that he never even once asked what kind of questions you might have and didn't really answer the questions that you did ask. A VERY bad example of how to handle affiliate relations.

As an example of how things SHOULD be done: The very first affiliate program I signed up with was Gamma. About 2 weeks after that I got an icq from a rep (I think it was Ozzy) telling me that I had f*ed up the links on the site so I wasn't getting my traffic counted. And at the time I think I was sending maybe 20 clicks a day and hadn't even got a signup yet.
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