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Old 02-10-2003, 08:12 AM   #9
DragonKing should edit this
Change Your Lattitude!
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I was circumnavigating the globe in a rubber raft when I arrived in Zimbobway. I met a man there who was trying to sell me a monkey.
I kept telling him no but he insisted. So, I gave in and bought the little guy and began to finish my journey. I decided to shave his ass, I mean cmon, no one wants a monkey with a hairy ass.
Once shaving I could make out what seemed to be a url of sorts.
I Typed it in and wound up here!
I've been here ever since

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like no-one's watching.
Sing like no-one's listening.
Live like there's no tommorow.
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