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Old 02-10-2003, 01:59 PM   #9
LadySharlot should edit this
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Ahh--Katielicious, worry not hon, I DO like you back!!! Oh...that wasn't ME you were talking about...?!!? Oh well...

As far as Valentines day, I typically go through the motions, but truthfully it's not a "big" holiday for me. I know that it's a Retailers Holiday, so I don't put a lot of emotional stock in it. Besides, I tell the one's that I love "I love you" nearly daily...so I don't NEED one day a year to say it.

But--when I did have a day-job, I'de get those cheesy grade-school Valentines and hand them out (with candy) to my co-workers. LOL That was fun!

Lady Sharlot :-)
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