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Old 02-10-2003, 02:03 PM   #10
Katlicious should edit this
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Originally posted by LadySharlot
Ahh--Katielicious, worry not hon, I DO like you back!!! Oh...that wasn't ME you were talking about...?!!? Oh well...

As far as Valentines day, I typically go through the motions, but truthfully it's not a "big" holiday for me. I know that it's a Retailers Holiday, so I don't put a lot of emotional stock in it. Besides, I tell the one's that I love "I love you" nearly daily...so I don't NEED one day a year to say it.

But--when I did have a day-job, I'de get those cheesy grade-school Valentines and hand them out (with candy) to my co-workers. LOL That was fun!

Lady Sharlot :-)
That's so sweet Lady Sharlot. Love you girl. It's just hard for me to get in the spirit with all these damn lovey dovey couples running around with their freakin happy go lucky attitudes on this fateful day. I'll try to see the good in it like you do. If I get any evil symptoms from being so nice on V-Day I'll have to resort to my "Carrie" Tactics. Muahhahahha
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