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Old 02-10-2003, 02:25 PM   #18
Bruno Dickman
Bruno Dickman should edit this
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Hey Ron how goes it bro?

Dude, its amazing how UNprofessional this sales rep acted, from the beginning of the conversation untill his last sentence.

We certainly own part of our success here at Dickmans Design to our professional and friendly customer service. Our clients are our reason to live. They are our bosses. Everything we do is done to please them - This is the ONLY goal of a services provider like us. To Provide solutions to our clients, making their life easier!

I dont know what kind of drugs the guy was taking when he said "hey its a good opportunity for you, not for me" - he certainly never read a book about customer service. And I am sure he is not the owner of the company either - he is probably a very unhappy sales rep, trying to loose his job.

And please do the industry a favor, dont send a single hit to this company - they dont deserve to make money, unless they email you a very good excuse.

Take care ahi!

Bruno Dickman
work hard. play hard.

MSN brunodickman at hotmail.com
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