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Old 02-10-2003, 07:00 PM   #24
Pidgin should edit this
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Just to make it clear, because I heard a speculation about who it is
This is NOT DirtyDollars. I am sayying that becase the deleted company name was D___S and the name of the guy was Arnaud and I was told there is a guy named that way working there. So its NOT them.

Twinkley - Its not a matter of english. Saying "for less, you'll create the account and you'll do everything by yourself and you'll never hear about me" or "What we are offering with this system is unique and this is an opportunity for you, not for me" is NOT a question of language.
Twinkley, I know you won't treat me bad cause thats just you. Not a question of language.

And Phoenix and others - The deal with the 25 signups thing is especially funny because - afaik - this company is not big.

Think if I would tell my users - "for less than 1K/day you will not hear from me and will have to help yourself. If you grow to that than I will pay attention to you". How will that sound?
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