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Old 02-11-2003, 11:23 AM   #5
MarcfromCJ should edit this
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Default Lighten up!

Come on people, lighten up! Have you ever been to CJ? We're all about "poor taste" humor. Didn't you guys ever read Mad Magazine when you were kids? We're equal-opportunity offenders. As for the whole "trying to make money off the tragedy" line, that's just ridiculous. It's not like we're selling "I went to Texas and all I got was this chunk of astronaut on my T-Shirt" shirts. We're selling traffic. That has nothing to do with the Columbia accident. The ad was designed to grab your attention and it obviously did that. If you can't take a joke, then we probably don't want to work with you. You don't have to respect us, but keep this in mind, we've got 6,500,000 people that think the same way we do, visit our site religiously, and buy porn. If you're judgemental nature and inablity to take a joke causes you to not want to business with us, fine. You're the ones missing out. There are plenty of others who can take the joke, buy the traffic, and get the joins.
Marc Womack | Chief Operating Officer - CJTraffic.com | ICQ 64425641

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