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Old 02-11-2003, 12:02 PM   #6
MarcfromCJ should edit this
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One of our associates on another board posted this:

"If there was no demand or market in the world for truly tasteless humor, then why was everyone telling those horrid "challenger" jokes back in the late 80's? People, virtually every disaster on Earth is joked about. There's a period of respectful morning... then BAM, out come the jokes, and people laugh. Disasters are what give us a sense of how short life is and brings us down to reality, Humor is the medicine that lifts us up."

So, with that in mind:


Q: Did you know that Christa McAuliffe was blue eyed?
A: One blew left and one blew right.

Q: What were Christa McAuliffe's last words?
A: "What's this button do?"

Q: What were Christa McAuliffe's last words to her husband?
A: "You feed the kids - I'll feed the fish."

Q: What was the Shuttle's last transmission?
A: "I said BUD LITE!"

Q: What does NASA stand for?
A1: Need Another Seven Astronauts
A2: Need Another Shuttle Also
A3: Chicken Kiev [Ed: Punchline to another joke.]

Q: Did you know why there was only one black crew member on Challenger?
A: They didn't know it was going to blow up.

Q: Did you know that NASA has a new space drink?
A: Ocean Spray - It was their second choice because they couldn't
get 7-UP.

Q: When the next shuttle launches into space, what will the senior
controller say?
A: "72, 73, 74 BOOM! - Just kidding guys!"

Q: What do Playtex tampon users and Christa McAuliffe have in common?
A: They both should have stayed on the pad.

Q: What does a sea lion, the space shuttle and Tylenol have in common?
A: They're all looking for a tight seal.

Q: How many people will fit in a Florida Volkswagen?
A: Four in the seats and seven in the ashtray.

Q: On future shuttle missions, why will one of the astronauts have to
be a naval officer?
A: So when they decide to use it as an experimental submarine, they'll
have a rated officer onboard.

Q: What do Christa McAuliffe and Donna Rice have in common.
A: They both went down on the challenger.

Q: Did you hear that they are sending up another teacher on the next
shuttle mission?
A: She's going to be a substitute.
Marc Womack | Chief Operating Officer - CJTraffic.com | ICQ 64425641

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