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Old 02-11-2003, 02:45 PM   #1
topsmutlinks should edit this
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Default This is fucked up

Since this is making its way around the boards, I thought I'd post it here in case any of you haven't seen it. It reads to me like this TGP owner is telling his surfers NOT to click the sponsor links on the galleries.

What do you think of this? I think it's very fucked up.

"While viewing a gallery do NOT click on anything but the thumbnails - Remember, a given web site is in no way affiliated with the galleries that it links to. The content in these galleries is not owned or managed by the site providing the link, so each gallery has its own advertisements and advertisement tricks that are independed to that specific gallery. The only safety net you have while viewing a gallery is that the site linking to it usually knows that there are in fact legitimate thumbnails in that gallery, so clicking on the thumbnails themselves is the only safe thing to do. Avoid clicking on everything in the gallery that is is not a thumbnail at all costs, and after you are done viewing the gallery close it and move on to another gallery. DO NOT waste any time wondering if that since the gallery contains very good photos or videos, that maybe the other links on the page are worth while because 99 times out of 100 clicking on them will just cause you problems."

taken directly from this page: http://www.wahoothumbs.com/help/
his contact form: http://wahoothumbs.com/contact/
- Jennifer
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