It's a community. They are all about their members. People join because they can view clean galleries. They join because they want to look at porn. The community is designed so that anyone who joins, expects to look at free porn without redirects, blind links, pops , and the likes.
Designing a gallery based on the content, with a text link or 2 here and there, may convert better to sponsors by members of the community. The viewers aren't forced or tricked to joining, so they may not chargeback as often, or the sponsor may get a good rep for quality content, which may lead to higher retention. Maybe the viewer feels more confident about pulling out their credit cards because the community has a good reputation for listing no bs galleries?
This concept of the community and no BS, is just targeting a different type of viewer. Some people, including me, get pissed off at some of the pops and misleading advertising. This is just another way to sell to those people. The listings are still selling to the viewer but just using a different approach to selling their sponsors.