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Old 02-11-2003, 11:29 PM   #5
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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First thing is: It's NOT a community. It's a TGP pretending to be a community.
Second thing is: These guys have their own links to sponsors on their pages but they are telling their surfers to ignore any sponsor links on the galleries. Double frigging standard or what?
Third thing is: What incentive is there to submit a gallery to a tgp that tells it's surfers to NOT click any links? None. This place is just a bandwidth leech! An easy way to get content for free for the TGP, like any other TGP, but without the implicit sharing of resources (i.e. surfers) that takes place in the normal TGP/gallerybuilder relationship.
Fourth: Not only wouldn't I submit to these guys I'd be damn pissed off if they DID post one of my galleries.
Fifth: If anyone who reads this is affiliated with the site, I'm not trying to be offensive. But as someone who both runs a couple of tgps and posts galleries, this thing really pisses me off! A high percentage of tgps fuck with the gallery builders by having stupid rules and prohibitions BUT once a gallery is accepted that's where it ends. They give the gallerybuilder his shot at the surfers wallet. It's bad enough that a lot of TGPs make most of their submitters actually PAY them for posting a gallery. But at least that's open and upfront.

PS for Panky: If you read it it tells the surfers not to click on ANY links except the thumbs. That pretty much means that there is NO possible way to market to a surfer from that site for a gallery builder. In fact it goes so far as to say that 99 times out of 100 the link will have nothing to do with the content of the gallery. Which is pretty much bullshit and a transparent effort to try and convince the surfer that the only banners that are safe to click are the ones on the tgp.
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Last edited by Mister X; 02-11-2003 at 11:36 PM.
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