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Old 02-14-2003, 10:55 AM   #11
twinkley should edit this
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The people running the jumbotron aren't even gonna try going upskirt (even though they have the technology to zoom in on a fly) because they know they would get sued in a heartbeat and its just .... wrong.

If someone peeped through your bathroom window, and took pics of you or your girl or both without you knowing and started spreading them all over the net - wouldnt you be upset? Of course. Because you have been violated and so has your personal space.

I hear the arguement all the time "if you dont want upskirts taken, dont wear a skirt"

Why should I let anyone dictate how I dress? Thats like the old line "Oh, she deserved being raped because she dresses like a slut" - We all know thats bullshit. Its a matter of respect - or lack of.

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