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Old 09-14-2002, 12:19 AM   #10
maxcom should edit this
Citizen X
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Originally posted by luke
I agree. Ass loads of content but well organized so they can easily find what they are looking for. And not just a bunch of one thing. Pictures, videos, video feeds, games... I think anything that will keep them interested for a while and something to make them want to come back the next night, and the night after, and... Constantly updating to keep them a member.
true... however, wouldnt you rather make it not extremely easy so they spend time looking through a lot of it and might find something they like by chance that they originally were not looking for. An analogy would be grocery stores moving products from one place to another every 6 months or so so you have to find it again but end up seeing more of their products?

Just my 2 cents...
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