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Old 02-15-2003, 01:31 PM   #51
PornDaddy should edit this
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Default The Venitian Hotel

I remember it well.
A long day about to turn into a long night.
Fresh off the plane I insert my pass key into
my hotel room door.
Dragging my bags behind me and shoving open the
door with my shoulder, I glance up to se a naked,
and very pale man jumping up and down with the
excitment of a young girl getting her first makeup kit.
EvilChris repeated 3 times "XNations" "XNations" "XNations....
I immediatly rushed for the bathroom and locked the door behind me.
I then took a shower and went to a party in the Presidential Suite .
I never saw that naked man again, however I will never forget the
words he said, and what it must have meant to him
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